Worship Committee
Objective: The objective of the Worship Committee is to guide and lead our congregation in meaningful and nurturing worship that honors and glorifies God. Committee Membership: The committee chair will be an active elder. The church staff representative will be the Music Director. Additional committee members will be selected from the congregation to utilize their interests or talents to carry out the work of the committee. Committees Responsibilities: The committee accomplishes its objective by recruiting and organizing members to lead in worship through: Communion preparation; Ushers; Recruit, train, and schedule Acolytes; Provide robes, and lighters; Baptism; Recognizing births and provide a honorary rose; Sanctuary appointments (altar coverings, candles, flowers); Spiritual Renewal; Adult and youth choir programs; The committee also manages the current year budgeted Worship operating expenses and estimate expenses for next year’s budget.
Membership Committee
Objective: The objectives of the Membership Committee are to promote the life of First Presbyterian Church to its members and visitors using the church’s promotional vehicles, to identify and nurture church members who have become inactive, and to lead visitors towards church membership.
Committee Membership: Membership consists of three to five individuals volunteering the time and talent to accomplish committee objectives. Members should be active members of the church who are generally familiar with the church membership and are comfortable greeting people and welcoming visitors. The committee is chaired by one active elder.
Committee Responsibilities: Web page; Church directory; Identify and nurture those members who have become inactive and remove those who wish to be removed from the Membership Rolls; Road signs; Lead visitors on the path towards church membership by identifying visitors through the Friendship Pad communicating with those visitors to make sure visitors
know other opportunities for fellowship outside of worship, informing the pastors of visitors who are attending frequently, assisting the Senior Pastor with the coordination of new member classes, and encourage new members to participate in church activities in which
they have an interest; Senior Adults; Additional tasks requested by the Senior Pastor.
Fellowship Committee
Objective: To successfully and efficiently execute the fellowship/congregational life activities of the church. Committee Membership: Membership shall be one or more members of the Session, with the committee chair(s) acting as coordinator. There is no standing staff representative, but any staff member may be called on to assist with the work of this committee. As many as 10 -12 committee members may be needed to assume specific responsibilities and coordinate specific events. Committee Responsibilities: Oversee fellowship kitchen, storage room and supplies; Coordinate and execute fellowship time on Sunday mornings between Sunday
school and church; Coordinate and execute Wednesday night suppers including menus, catering, finances, reservations and supplies; Coordinate food needs for the bereavement needs of the congregation; Coordinate and execute Fall Festival in conjunction with Director of Education and Youth ministry; Coordinate and execute hot chocolate for the community at the annual Main Street
Christmas parade; Coordinate and execute the first fellowship dinner or the new member picnic each year; Coordinate and execute special receptions as needed, i.e. staff retirement reception, new staff welcome reception, special occasion receptions.
Personnel Committee
Objective: The objective of the Personnel Committee is to assist the Session in fulfilling its responsibilities for the persons employed by the church. Committee Membership: Membership shall be one or more members of the Session, with the committee chair acting as Moderator. The Senior Pastor will represent the church staff. Committee Responsibilities: To become knowledgeable of the current Personnel Policies of the First Presbyterian Church and provide a copy to each employee; To be aware of salary scales for similar positions in the Columbia area and to make recommendations to the Session for appropriate changes in the annual budget
process (salary changes must be voted on by the Session); Make recommendations for compensation of ordained staff members to the Session to be acted on by the congregation; Conduct an annual performance review jointly with the Senior Pastor as head of
staff; Lead the committee, when required, to hire a new employee with proper advertising of the position, interview of interested candidates, making necessary background checks, and selecting the successful candidate; To oversee and maintain a productive and collegial staff environment to support the work of the employees of the church; To review and recommend to the Session all policies related to the employment, dismissal, evaluation, discipline, salary and benefits of the support and program staff of First Presbyterian Church; To administer, and implement the personnel policies of the church; To consult with and advise the Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in the performance of the role of Head of Staff.
Mission Committee
The objective of the committee is to lead the congregation in understanding and engaging in the mission of the church. This may involve: Learning about new ideas in Missions that include advocacy and partnering with others for more inclusive and effective mission. Evaluating and updating existing or previous activities and beginning new mission partnerships. Educating ourselves and the congregation about various mission needs and opportunities—locally, nationally, and internationally Committee Membership: The committee will be chaired by active elders. The membership will be church members, including other elders, deacons, and other volunteers. Committee Responsibilities: Attend monthly meetings; Plan programs and speakers to educate the congregation about mission opportunities and needs in the local community, other locations in the US and abroad; Sponsor and promote our congregation’s participation in PCUSA Special Offerings for: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance; Presbyterian Hunger Program; Organize and support mission activities that involve the congregation, in groups, or as a whole; Be informed about the local mission activities of the Deacons and support their efforts by encouraging church members to participate as volunteers with area non-profit groups to raise funds, distribute food, provide transportation, etc. Develop an annual budget with the help of the Finance Committee, to support mission projects and activities Work with church staff members to incorporate mission activities in the church calendar and make them aware of needs such as publicity, meeting spaces, and transportation.
Christian Education Committee
Objective: The Christian Education Committee provides oversight and leadership around educational opportunities that encourage and nurture the life-long process of faith formation for church members, visitors, and the community of First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, TN. We seek to accomplish our mission by nurturing curiosity and idea sharing in environments that enhance fellowship and a sense of community with attention to the needs of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. Committee Membership: The committee chair will be an active elder. The Director of Christian Education will serve as church staff liaison. Additional committee members will be selected from the congregation to utilize their interests and talents in carrying out the work of the committee.
Committee Responsibilities: To plan for Christian Educational needs and promote educational programming; To recommend the annual budget for the Committee; To oversee Sunday school programs, including research and recommendation of curriculum, recruit, and support Sunday school teachers; To oversee Children’s Church program, including, research and recommendation
for curriculum and adult leaders; To oversee Vacation Bible School, including, recruit and support director, teachers, and helpers, select VBS curriculum, recommend dates for VBS to the session and purchase necessary materials for VBS (within the parameters of
approved budget); To coordinate and support annual activities including, Genesis Sunday, Seasonal Workshops, Camp and retreat opportunities and Wednesday night programming; To work with the pastor to organize Confirmation class as needed, including
recommending curriculum and identifying all eligible youth; To assist the pastor in training new elders and deacons and assist with the Officers manual, as needed; To assist the pastor in planning for Adult Bible studies, as needed; To assist the pastor and membership committee with new member classes, as needed; To oversee the Church library and recruit volunteers for upkeep, as needed; To communicate with the congregation and the session components of the Christian Education program; To oversee, implement and make modifications as needed to the Child Protection Policy, including training of all volunteers that work with children and youth; The Committee Chair (appointed by the session) will contact all volunteers (taken from the annual stewardship card) and invite them to serve on the committee.
Youth Committee
Objective: The objective of the Youth Committee is to develop and sustain ministry for and with the youth of First Presbyterian Church. Through participation in our youth ministry, young people will discover their identity in Christ, grow towards maturity in their faith as they learn about and embrace the stories and practices of Christian faith, and be equipped to join in the work of God’s kingdom in the world. Committee Membership: Membership shall be one or more members of the Session, with the committee chair acting as Moderator. One member will be from the church staff, at all times when that is a filled position. The rest of the committee will represent parents and adults invested in the youth of the church. Committee Responsibilities: To plan and develop programs where youth have an opportunity to grow in their faith, experience fellowship with one another, and have fun!; To make decisions about curriculum, discipline, and regular and special activities for youth (e.g. youth group meetings, mission trips, etc.); Praying regularly for youth and their families; To assist in the planning and implementation of the Youth Mission Trip; Attend monthly committee meetings and participate in the decision making of the group; Support and encourage parents of the youth by providing a listening ear and to develop educational opportunities for parents; Commit to acting as role models for the youth; Assist in recruiting and securing teachers and leaders for youth programming.
Property Committee
Objective: To maintain, repair, preserve, and improve all First Presbyterian property to provide a safe, secure, comfortable, and nurturing environment for boundless worship of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The committee’s mission is accomplished thru continuous assessments, inspections, functional tests, and by solicitations and collaborations with all users of the church facilities.
Committee Membership: Traditionally, the Property Committee Chairperson has served as a committee of one. However, the chairperson may form an adjunct committee of members when necessary and beneficial. The key staff person for this committee is the Church Sexton. Committee Responsibilities: Create and maintain a comprehensive list of church property; Establish annual goals and maintenance requirements; Prepare annual budget and maintenance schedules and monitor monthly; Maintain and preserve the integrity of all buildings, including appearance, roofs, ingress and egress, security, repairs, and improvements; Maintain and preserve all grounds including landscape, parking lots, sidewalks, lighting, security, garages, vacant lots (Randall Hotel), and property leased to others (Boys and Girls Club), and playground equipment; Ensure compliance with all local and national ordinances and codes; Ensure all utilities are provided and useable in a safe manner, including water, electrical, gas, and sewage; Provide for and ensure the cleanliness of all external and internal facilities; Provide for Environmental Comfort including heating, air conditioning, air quality, and lighting; Ensure maintenance, cleanliness, and provisioning and renovation of educational rooms; Ensure emergency equipment is available in accordance with codes and is functional; Perform periodic inspections and repairs as required on Fire Alarms, Fire Sprinklers, and emergency Generator for Lighting, Elevators, emergency ladders, and emergency Egress signs; Ensure proper provisioning, functioning, maintenance, replacement, and cleanliness of kitchen equipment;
Ensure availability, maintenance, and licensing, of transportation equipment including the church bus; Ensure availability of emergency medical equipment and devices including first aid equipment, defibrillators, and the training of personnel to use them; Ensure appropriate property and liability insurance is in place to cover all the above items; Ensure all periodic and emergency repairs are accomplished as required; Select contractors and enter into contracts as required to perform the above items. Seek
Session approval as required; Provide leadership, delegation, and support to the church Sexton in accomplishing the above tasks. Provide accountability, accolades, and evaluations on a periodic basis.